1. Detailed Health History Review

In preparation for your chiropractic consultation, you will be asked to fill out a Patient Health Form. This will provide background information about your condition and symptoms. It will also provide us with information on your family medical history, any pre-existing medical conditions or prior injuries, previous and current health providers, and treatment.

2. Chiropractic Exam

A thorough chiropractic exam includes:
Range of motion of the affected part
Muscle tone
Muscle strength
Neurological integrity
Biostructural exam
3. Diagnostic Studies

Based upon the results of the patient’s history and chiropractic exam, diagnostic studies may be helpful in revealing pathologies and identifying structural abnormalities to more accurately diagnose a condition.

Diagnostic studies will only be undertaken if we believe that the X-ray or other test will provide information needed to guide your chiropractic care program.

4. Report of Findings

Findings from the combination of the above described history, physical examination and any required diagnostic studies lead to a specific diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is established, we will determine if your condition will respond to chiropractic care.

5. Chiropractic Care Review

We will review your goals and make recommendations that may include some or all of the following:
Chiropractic adjustments to relieve subluxation
Modalities to improve soft tissue healing and pain control, such as traction and decompression
Strengthening and/or stretching exercises to improve muscle balance, strength, and coordination
Patient education to improve posture and motor control, as well as possibly reduce anxiety
Other treatments such as heat/cold application, and education on ergonomics and nutrition